The Challenge:
In response to the war in Ukraine, a rapid-build volumetric modular homes programme to house Ukrainian refugees fleeing the conflict was established in Ireland.
The urgent provision of an initial 500 modular homes was later extended to 700 homes to accommodate approximately 2,000 individuals. To meet fire regulation standards, the project required cavity barriers and service penetrations ready to deploy with the build.
Our Solution:
Tenmat’s extensive experience working with modular building projects combined with the substantial test evidence data we have acquired for our products in modular build applications led to us being selected to supply materials for all 700 units. Our ability to manufacture at scale and supply required stock to programme deadlines was crucial in securing the contract.
Tenmat products used in the build included: Socket inserts, Vent duct sleeves, Pipe fire sleeves, VFB 60/60, FF102/50, and NVFB. Following the first phase of the build, the project switched from single units to two storey units. Tenmat adapted, providing products at new, bespoke dimensions and introducing new solutions into the range. This system tested solution became the exclusive named product on the drawing.
Key Stats:
700 units
6 product types
VFB60/60 - Ventilated Cavity Fire Barrier
FF102/50 - Ventilated Cavity Fire Barrier
Vent Duct Fire Sleeve Low Profile
Socket Box Inserts
NVFB Non-Ventilated Fire Barrier
Student accommodation build - Wembley, London
New FB180 wall and floor batt
Exceeding performance criteria for London Olympics Village
70 St Mary Axe, London
Bridge Street Exchange, Cardiff
ONE Tower, Limassol
Student accommodation build - Wembley, London