Aluprof MB-70 - Window System
Aluprof MB-SR50N - 50 mm wide Curtain Wall Systems
Aluprof MB-TT50 - 50 mm wide Curtain Wall System (PassivHaus Certified)
GERA Building, Nottingham University - PASSIV HAUS CERTIFIED
Merchant Square, Wellington Place, Belfast
Putney Plaza, London
Millenium View, Coventry
Castle Park View, Bristol
MT to supply its Passive House products for one of the world’s largest Passivhaus buildings
Kestrel Aluminium. Case Study: Coton House Estate
Kestrel Aluminium. Case Study: Mod Pods
Castle Park View, Bristol
True Student Accommodation
MT to supply its Passive House products for one of the world’s largest Passivhaus buildings
Potterrow Student Accommodation