Products Used:
Project Description
More than 160,000 m2 of Flag single ply membranes have been installed in sports arenas and stadiums on a global basis, providing flexible waterproofing solutions to some of the most prestigious projects, designed by world renowned architects.
Schalke Arena
In the area of football, 40,000 m 2 of FLAGON TPO membranes were installed on the roof of the Schalke Arena in Gelsenkirchen, which was constructed for the 2006 World Cup.
Wembley Stadium
Flag UK manufactured and installed widths ranging from 8 to 20 metres for this elliptical roof, which incorporated 20,000m2 of FLAGON membrane as its waterproofing layer. 8,500m2 of membrane in lead grey was fully adhered to a metal deck and Pyroc boards mechanically fixed with peel rivets, and a standing seam profile was added. The remaining membrane was mechanically fixed to the roof.
Olympic Work
Flag is no stranger to Olympic projects and has carried out work in both Athens and Torino. Helliniko Olympic Indoor Arena, which played host to basketball, handball and fencing at the 2004 games, was constructed of a lightweight steel frame, overlaid with a metal deck and insulation boards. 21,000m 2 of Flagon TPO membrane was mechanically fixed to the roof to accommodate movement in the structure and reduce any stress that may occur on the waterproofing layer.
The eight swimming pools in the Athens Olympic Village swimming pool were lined with FLAGPOOL PVC-P liner in light sky blue and 35,000m2 of FLAGON TPO membrane was used to protect the artificial snow generating area at the Torino Winter Olympics.
Other prestigious roofing projects include the Tallin Gymnastic Palace, Estonia and the Sports Palaces of Catina and Palermo.
Advantages at a Glance
FLAGON EP/PR TPO membranes have a positive environmental impact, which starts during production and ends with a recyclable product with a 25 year life expectancy. FLAGON TPO membranes provide the ideal solution as they are inherently flexible remaining heat weldable throughout their serviceable life. TPO is resistant to weathering and ultra violet rays and does not contain harmful chlorines or halogens.
Customer Satisfaction
Working on large, prestigious projects makes Flag UK the ideal partner for fast track construction projects. Comprehensive training of all parties involved in the design and installation process has ensured that work is completed on time and that all quality procedures are met.
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