Technical data sheet
Technical data sheet
Ronafix screeds are site batched screeding mortars and fine concretes. The mix design for each is Ronafix admixture, cement, medium grade sharp sand, aggregate as determined by the mix design, plus water. The components are measured by weight or by volume on site and mixed to form the screed. They are used with a primer of Ronafix and cement which achieves monolithic adhesion to correctly prepared concrete or screeds. Ronafix screeds are used to lay new screeds and toppings as thin as 6mm bonded or 35mm unbonded or floating. The cured mortar bonds securely to suitably prepared surfaces and is water resistant.
Ronafix for Screeds - Mix B1 Wearing Screed 25 mm Plus
Ronafix SBR for Screeds - Mix G Fine Concrete
Ronafix SBR for Screeds - Mix A1 Screed 25 mm+
Ronafix SBR for Screeds - Mix A Screed 6–50 mm
Ronafix SBR for Screeds - Mix B Wearing Screed 15mm+
Ronafix Pre-packed Wearing Screed 15mm+
FPC Certificate (0836–CPR–13-F042 to BS EN 13813)
RonaDeck Wet Pour Rubber Granule Surfacing
Ronafix Pre-packed Screed 6-50mm