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Unicorn Voice Loudspeaker A-B Splitter Module

Verified by manufacturer 6 months ago

Vox Ignis Limited Third party certifications:
  • UL Certified

    UL Certified

    Certificate type

A splitter module to provide additional loudspeaker circuits for the Unicorn Voice Master and Distributed Amplifier Panels.

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Unicorn Voice is suitable for a wide range of applications from small standalone buildings through to multistorey and campus-style building complexes.


Unicorn Voice is a unique distributed wall-mounted, panel-based voice alarm and fire telephone solution that is compliant with EN 54-16. Unicorn Voice simplifies the specification and installation of voice alarm and fire telephone systems by offering a one-cabinet solution. Comprising a range of master amplifier panels, distributed amplifier panels, desk microphones, wall microphones and remote volume controls. Additionally, the system can be supplied without EVC capability.

The splitter module is used where additional loudspeaker circuits are required. It connects to the audio output of the amplifier and provides two circuits which are both independently protected and monitored for open and short circuit conditions. Note: This cannot be used where two amplifiers are required to drive separate circuits of interleaved speakers typically where the zone is covering 500 people or 4000 m².

Each Unicorn Voice amplifier panel has a din rail as standard, the loudspeaker splitter modules are fitted to the din rail per amplifier. If the panel has four amplifiers, four loudspeaker splitters can be fitted to provide eight loudspeaker circuits.

Features and benefits:

  • Provides A/B speaker lines from one amplifier.
  • Simple DIN rail mounting.
  • DC EOL speaker line monitoring.
  • Handles unbalanced speaker loads.
  • Protected outputs.
  • Healthy and fault LED status.

General information








150 mm


35 mm


60 mm


Pr_75_75_94_97 Voice alarm power amplifiersPrimary


W53/115 Emergency voice communication systems

Product range

Unicorn Voice

Specification data - Voice alarm power amplifiers


To BS EN 54-16.

Rated voltage

24 V d.c.

Guidance for specification option:

Powered from Unicorn Voice panel.

Rated power output

Up to 100 watts.

Guidance for specification option:

Subject to maximum amplifier output.



Display type

LEDs mounted on front panel.

Display the following conditions

Power, OK, A + B circuit faults.







Environmental requirements

Operating: -5°C to +40° C, Humidity range: 0 to 80% non-condensing.

Mounting method

DIN rail.

Sustainability data

Country of product manufacture

United Kingdom

Third party certifications

UL Certified

UL Certified

UL-EU Certificate UL-EU-01309-EN


Unicorn Voice Loudspeaker A-B Splitter Module Data Sheet

Unicorn Voice Loudspeaker A-B Splitter Module Data Sheet

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