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Glasdon UK Ltd

Glasdon UK Ltd

The Environment is at our Core

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Ashguard - Cheltenham Borough Council

Ashguard - Cheltenham Borough Council

Glasdon UK Ltd

At the busy Promenade taxi rank in Cheltenham, cigarette ends were being discarded by customers and also taxi drivers. The cigarette ends were creating extra work for cleansing personnel and tarnished the aesthetic appearance of one of the town’s most popular streets. Following consultation between the Head of Environmental Health and Cleansing and the Local Hackney Carriage Association, David Wilson, Cheltenham Borough Council’s Waste and Cleansing Manager, was requested to address the problem.
Beacon - Honda Racing Development

Beacon - Honda Racing Development

Glasdon UK Ltd

An existing site cabin did not fit in with the imageHonda Racing Development wished to project for theircompany.Glasdon were contacted and after consultation anda site visit by our Regional Sales Manager, the Beaconrange was selected as the most appropriate solution.Glasdon were contacted and after consultation anda site visit by our Regional Sales Manager, the Beaconrange was selected as the most appropriate solution.
Buffer Bollards - Bolton Institute

Buffer Bollards - Bolton Institute

Glasdon UK Ltd

Bolton Institute of Higher Education identified a car parking problem within their grounds and wanted to formalise and tidy uptheir parking arrangements. In particular, one area of the staff car park was notorious for causing parking problems.As Bolton Institute currently use a range of Glasdon products, Wendy Heydon, DeputyProperty Services Manager, decided to contact Glasdon UK for additional product options.A Glasdon representative visited the site taking the Buffer™ Bollard for demonstration.
Clackmannanshire Council

Clackmannanshire Council

Glasdon UK Ltd

Clackmannanshire is situated in the central region of Scotlandand has a population of approximately 48,500. New housingdevelopments are being constructed regularly around thecounty and specific design features must be taken intoconsideration under development guidelines and Scottishlaw. As part of the Scottish Traffic Calming Regulations,traffic calming features such as speed humps, pinchpoints, chicanes and narrowing roads are a regular featureon Scottish roads.As an existing customer, Clackmannanshire Council were familiar with the extensiverange of products which Glasdon UK provides. Having previously used the blackAdmiral™ bollard for traffic calming schemes, aesthetically, the council wanted tomaintain the continuity of the design throughout the local authority
Fortress Industrial Housing - Nestle

Fortress Industrial Housing - Nestle

Glasdon UK Ltd

Nestlé identified a requirement for a new Transformer andSwitch Room that would be situated in close proximity to anew nitrogen plant.Mr Pat Walsh, Site Electrical Engineer for Nestlé, had usedGlasdon products on previous occasions. After makingcontact with Glasdon, Mr Walsh and the Chief Engineer forNestlé visited a local site to see an example of a suitableHousing in operation.It became immediately apparent that the Glasdon FortressSteel Housing system, with its excellent insulation and smartappearance, would be the ideal solution for Nestlé’s project.
Garrison - WHP Telecoms

Garrison - WHP Telecoms

Glasdon UK Ltd

Peter Burnell, Programme Manager at WHP Telecoms had this to say:‘Glasdon’s performance was exceptional. We urgently needed a Garrison Foul Weather Enclosure specifically designed for a high-altitude location. They were highly reactive, easy to deal with, and proactive in providing updates, all leading to the speedy delivery of this bespoke Garrison. This effectiveness allowed us to deliver for our client within challenging time frames and constraints. Thank you!’
Garrison Modular Housing - Manchester Airport

Garrison Modular Housing - Manchester Airport

Glasdon UK Ltd

As part of an upgrade scheme Manchester Airportidentified a need for two housings to accommodateelectric vehicle battery charging equipment. A quickdelivery and minimal site disturbance during installationwere two of their key requirements.Mr Tony Brereton, Project Manager at Manchester Airport,contacted Glasdon and a site meeting was arranged withthe Company’s local Area Sales Manager to discuss theproject in detail. Having looked at the wide choice ofGlasdon products available for protecting industrialequipment, the Garrison housing range was found tosatisfy all of Manchester Airport’s requirements.
Heritage - Blackpool

Heritage - Blackpool

Glasdon UK Ltd

Blackpool Borough Council have the typical climate associatedwith all coastal and exposed regions.When looking to update their Attendants Kiosks at variouslocal attractions including Crazy Golf courses and Public Parks,consideration had to be given to moving away from traditionalbuilding methods which are prone to weather-accelerateddeterioration.Glasdon were contacted and their Sales and Technical teamsgot to work straight away.Although Glasdon offer a diverse range of standard “Heritage”style buildings, a more perfect solution was seen to be aspecially designed, customised kiosk which would bestaccommodate the imposed size restriction of the project.
Neopolitan 150 - Gateshead Council

Neopolitan 150 - Gateshead Council

Glasdon UK Ltd

Gateshead Council, in the North East of England, has an ongoing programme of developing School Travel Plans throughout the Borough. Traffic Engineers, School Travel Advisors and Road Safety staff work in partnership with local schools to develop a package of both educational and physical road safety measures. The objective of the plan is to encourage children to walk and cycle to school and reduce the amount of cars on the road.Glasdon UK Limited were approached by Gateshead Council to discuss the development of a bespoke bollard, incorporating their logo, which could be used outside specific schools involved in the scheme. After looking at the extensive range of bollards available, the Neopolitan™ 150 bollard was subsequently chosen. Manufactured from Durapol® material, the bollard is long lasting and maintenance-free. It will not chip or rust and never needs painting.
Stanford Seat - Dover Harbour

Stanford Seat - Dover Harbour

Glasdon UK Ltd

As one of the busiest ports in the UK, Dover Harbour Board handles over 15 million passengers a year. The port of Dover has beenmanaged by Dover Harbour Board since 1606 and now incorporates a marina, two cruise terminals and passenger terminals feedingthe “roll-on roll-off” ferries which operate at the port.Dover Harbour Board required a new seat, in keeping with the style of the esplanade and vandal-resistant to withstand the extreme coastal weather conditions. Following close consultation and regularsite visits from a specially trained Glasdon Representative, Dover Harbour Board selected the Stanford™ Seat with brown Enviroplus® slats from the wide range of Glasdon seating available.

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